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How TB Electrics, Dext and Accounts & Legal work together

News & EventsPosted:  30 August 2023 @ 09:08 BSTAuthor:  TB Electrics

TB Electrics from paper trail to green cloud accounting
As a solar pv installation company we wanted to be as green as possible with our accounting - to use less paper and reduce our waste and therefore have more control of our carbon footprint - one of the ways we did this was to introduce less paper by utilising a software package called Dext in our business.  We were recently asked by Dext to help them with a case study on the difference that can be made to your accounting by introducing this software into your business and  were happy to oblige, especially if it helps other Companies to think about doing the same - we started using Dext a coupl...

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Meet The Team 2

News & EventsPosted:  27 March 2023 @ 19:19 BSTAuthor:  TB Electrics

Jacko - Another of our newest apprentices
Jack Whalley is a new apprentice that has come on board with lots of existing life experience - does that mean hes old?  NO... not really, hes just not a whipper snapper straight out of school, but it does mean that he already knows what hard work is and has experience, which helps him in the day to day activities that he carries out - including installing solar panels, helping with electrical installation services or installations of EVC (Electric Vehicle Chargers) . He still attends Warrington and Vale Royal College and is studying for his electrical qualification

Jack is an avid cr...

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Solar PV and Renewables Impact Highlighted by the BBC

News & EventsPosted:  06 May 2020 @ 09:31 BSTAuthor:  TB Electrics

Harnessing ways to reduce carbon emissions going forward from COVID 19
The BBC are highlighting how they are including plans to help the environment in their economic recover plans following the current Covid 19 crisis - many of us in the Solar PV Industry and the people who want to incorporate energy efficient technologies into their homes and businesses, already know they want to make a difference and how, but its great to see that it is making us focus on it more and more

We are enjoying the tiniest fragments of a revived Environment - hearing the birds singing and less pollution and WE WANT MORE.

There are many ways to do this and ...

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EV Charging OLEV Grant Changes

News & EventsPosted:  07 April 2020 @ 08:46 BSTAuthor:  TB Electrics

OLEV Changes Grant Payments Available
Revision of EVHS will enable twice as many people to benefit.

You can also benefit from this grant when installed alongside your Solar Edge Solar PV installation

The Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) has confirming the continuation of the ‘electric vehicle homecharge scheme’ (EVHS) and ‘workplace charging scheme’ (WCS) for another year. While there is reduced funding, this will enable more charge points to be installed as electric vehicles ownership increases. Instead of the current £500, the grants under the EVHS and WCS will be &po...

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Smart Export Guarantee (SEG)

News & EventsPosted:  04 July 2019 @ 23:38 BSTAuthor:  TB Electrics

Homes and businesses to be paid for exporting excess renewable energy to the grid.
BEIS (Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy) published a press release on Sunday 9th June about the Smart Export Guarantee – the new law to guarantee payment for homes and businesses with domestic or commercial solar panels providing excess electricity from their Solar PV to the Grid - ££ Due to begin on Jan 1st, 2020 and implemented on Monday 10th June, this law will enable homes and green businesses who generate renewable and low-carbon electricity to be guaranteed money for power supplied to the grid. Legislation for the scheme to become mandatory ...

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TB Electrics launch NEW BLOG!

News & EventsPosted:  23 May 2019 @ 10:14 BSTAuthor:  TB Electrics

TB Electrics' NEW BLOG has been launched!
Following the re-vamp of our website earlier this year, we have been patiently waiting for the arrival of our new Blog......... and it's finally here!

Here we will be posting the latest news and events from TB Electrics and their electrical services, LED lighting, Solar PV and EVC (Electric Vehicle Charging) sectors, along with our case studies and customer testimonials.

All our posts will be shared on our Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn social media pages, so if you're already connected to us, you will automatically be kept up to date with the TB Electrics family...

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