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TB Electrics Case Studies


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How TB Electrics, Dext and Accounts & Legal work together

News & EventsPosted:  30 August 2023 @ 09:08 BSTAuthor:  TB Electrics

TB Electrics from paper trail to green cloud accounting
As a solar pv installation company we wanted to be as green as possible with our accounting - to use less paper and reduce our waste and therefore have more control of our carbon footprint - one of the ways we did this was to introduce less paper by utilising a software package called Dext in our business.  We were recently asked by Dext to help them with a case study on the difference that can be made to your accounting by introducing this software into your business and  were happy to oblige, especially if it helps other Companies to think about doing the same - we started using Dext a coupl...

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