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Blog Posts tagged with 'Warehouse'


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News & EventsPosted:  12 January 2024 @ 15:50 GMTAuthor:  TB Electrics

Commercial Buildings Revolutionise Solar PV Industry
Britain ready to raise the roof with commercial solar pv potential! Thousands of commercial buildings in the UK could be used to revolutionise our solar pv industry. One of them could be yours ..... Roofs across cities in Britain cover an enormous amount of surface area, yet unfortunately, only a slither of them utilise this space for solar panels. The Governments Solar Taskforce plans to adapt suitable space for solar pv - but you can do this yourself at any time - whether you wish to pay for it upfront and reap all the benefits or you would like to have it installed for free and own it i...

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Vespertec Testimonial

TestimonialsPosted:  20 November 2023 @ 12:21 GMTAuthor:  TB Electrics

Another great review from Vespertec
We asked Alan from Vespertec to give us his thoughts about the 149 panel Solar PV system that we installed back in Nov 2022 for him and his feedback about the system and TB Electrics is fabulous and its great to be able to share this with you

Wed reduced the consumption of electricity initially by installing LED lighting with motion sensors and the Solar PV system has now had  a full year of generating electricity, which has been used on site to power his business and to power the EV Chargers that were installed at the same time

We designed a system that was expected to gener...

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Solar PV and Renewables Impact Highlighted by the BBC

News & EventsPosted:  06 May 2020 @ 09:31 BSTAuthor:  TB Electrics

Harnessing ways to reduce carbon emissions going forward from COVID 19
The BBC are highlighting how they are including plans to help the environment in their economic recover plans following the current Covid 19 crisis - many of us in the Solar PV Industry and the people who want to incorporate energy efficient technologies into their homes and businesses, already know they want to make a difference and how, but its great to see that it is making us focus on it more and more

We are enjoying the tiniest fragments of a revived Environment - hearing the birds singing and less pollution and WE WANT MORE.

There are many ways to do this and ...

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RECC Membership

News & EventsPosted:  17 January 2020 @ 14:28 GMTAuthor:  TB Electrics

We have renewed our RECC membership
TB Electrics are pleased to tell you that we have renewed our membership with RECC and therefore you know that we will abide by theirs and the MCS code of practise - meaning you are in safe hands with us when we install your new Solar PV system

It also means that you can claim the new Smart Export Guarantee via your energy provider when we install your solar panels, whether than be a domestic system on your home or at your place of business, warehouse, shop, factory, business park, sports centre or school



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See who is helping Northwich to become more environmentally friendly

News & EventsPosted:  10 December 2019 @ 07:02 GMTAuthor:  TB Electrics

Local Businesses Help to save CO2 emissions in Northwich
Here at TB Electrics we are determined to help our town to become more energy efficient and one of the easiest ways for local businesses to do this is to look UP and consider the lights that they have installed ..... all technologies move on and we buy the latest computer and tablet and car etc, but unless your lights are not working, it is not something that would generally be given much thought...... BUT YOU NEED TO

If you haven't upgraded  the lighting in your office, warehouse, factory etc to energy efficient LED lighting within the last 3-5 years you will be paying out money for electricity usage that you don't need to - this is money that can be diverted to pay for a whole new lighting installation - WHICH WILL REDUCE YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT AT THE SAME TIME  - Its a Win Win - A No Brainer

We are working with local businesses in Northwich, Warrington, Knutsford and all over Cheshire, Manchester Warrington and fu...

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News & EventsPosted:  07 November 2019 @ 10:52 GMTAuthor:  TB Electrics



To encourage SMEs( Small to Medium Enterprises) in the United Kingdom to take a lead in tackling climate change by increasing their energy efficiency, there is money available from the European Regional Development Fund for the installation of energy efficient solutions for your business. We can help you to access this funding - and take away all the paperwork involved, so you can carry on with your business as usual whilst reducing the costs of running your business by upgrading your lighting to energy efficient lighting or installing Solar PV. Both of these solutions will help you to reduce your monthly electricity bills significantly. The funds enable the installation of modern, energy efficient technologies by funding the replacement of dated, inefficient equipment, such as halogen or sodium lighting in your commercial or industrial premise, warehouses, office are...

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Solar PV - Even more affordable

News & EventsPosted:  12 September 2019 @ 17:56 BSTAuthor:  TB Electrics

Solar power to be world’s largest power source by 2035
Solar power to be world’s largest power source by 2035This article  looks interesting - let me know what your thoughts are on it 

We are finding that we have more enquiries for larger scale PV systems since the Feed in Tariff has ended that we ever had before 

Our customers are wanting to produce their own energy and are doing something about it now - commercial, agricultural and industrial solar panel installations are becoming the norm for factory, warehouse, industrial units and all kinds of business premises in Northwich, Warrington, Manchester, Liver...

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School Holidays - One week to go

News & EventsPosted:  15 July 2019 @ 07:35 BSTAuthor:  TB Electrics

What are we going to do with the KIDS
Well, we have one more week to go  here at TB Electrics of normality before the school holidays kick in and we start to question everything we do - Should I take today off, the weather is good, the sun is shining, my solar panels are producing loads of electricity to heat this pool - should I be in it with them !

What are they going to do today? Should I take them to a Sports Centre, to Blackpool - to see the (LED) Lighting, to the beach, walk the dog? - Should they come into work with us and go out to see customers? Domestic electrical, home improvement or kitchen...

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Olivier Award Winner Matthew Bournes' dance-theatre Company rate TB Electrics LED Lighting and Electrical Services

Case StudiesPosted:  29 May 2019 @ 21:50 BSTAuthor:  TB Electrics

New LED Lighting and Electrical work carried out by TB Electrics for Swan Lakes Theatre Company

TB Electrics were delighted to carry out work in Manchester for New Adventures, Matthew Bourne’s dance-theatre company – Helping to keep their costumes and sets safe for their stage productions all over the world

Our brief was to install new electrical wiring thoughout an empty warehouse and install energy efficient lighting as well as alarm systems and CCTV 

Tania the production electrician says ….”TB Electrics team were fabulous – they carried out the work with the minimum of fuss – putting in new lights and new...

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TB Electrics listed in Northwich and Cheshire Show Edition of Cheshire Life Magazine

News & EventsPosted:  28 May 2019 @ 12:11 BSTAuthor:  TB Electrics

TB Electrics are one of the listed local businesses in the latest Cheshire Show Edition of the Cheshire Life Magazine
We are delighted that TB Electrics are listed for our LED Lighting, Solar PV and Electric Vehicle Charging services, alongside the feature about Northwich in the latest Cheshire Life magazine.  This issue also has a programme for the Cheshire Show - Saving you £4 at the entrance, so its worth a buy...

The Cheshire Show is coming up in June and will hopefully be nice and sunny so you will notice our sunshine logo even more while you are out and about .   One of our sponsored riders will be competing on both days, so have a look out for...

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Where appropriate, you will receive an approximation of savings that could be expected from your installation.

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