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11 June 2024 @ 13:14 BST by TB Electrics


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Thank You and Feedback

Dear Terry

I have been so impressed by the installation of my domestic solar panel power generation plant that I thought I would share my experience and feedback with you in case it’s of interest.

Prior to engaging TBE I had been researching this project for over a year, getting quotes from a range of companies and progressing one to the point of having paid a small deposit. Over time I came to realise that many companies have just jumped on the solar panel bandwagon – they were probably doing cavity wall insulation or conservatories when those were the latest “thing”. I’d signed up with a competitor through the Chester West and Chester “Solar Together" scheme, attracted by the extra guarantee and protection that scheme afforded. What I’d not realised till the very last moment was that a group-purchase scheme meant you got the “standard” solar panel install and when I asked for things like power supply during a grid blackout, I was promised solutions which are not compliant with regulations. I therefore withdrew from proceeding with them.

It was at that time I realised I needed to search for a proper commercial electrical engineering company which installs solar panels as a professional project and I found TBE – right on my doorstep too, so I don’t know how I’d missed you off my radar for so long!

My first contact with TBE was with Doug. How refreshing to speak to a proper engineer who has great customer service skills as well. A rare combination. I am a “details” person which means I tend to ask an annoying volume of questions, but Doug was able to answer them all, or he engaged the right people for me to speak to. It was Doug’s approach which won you this work.

When it came to the work being done, I know good quality when I see it. I’m not sure what your recruitment process it, but whatever it is you have got it spot on.

Jack, Harvey and Alex were the main crew on my project. They are highly skilled and they care, the two qualities which must come together for a quality product. I’ll give you an example: I was in my loft with Alex and he was nailing some cable clips in place in a part of the loft you can hardly access. There was one clip proving troublesome and I suggested he could leave it as no-one would ever see it. No, he said, “it’s my work and I want to do it right”. Quite brilliant. I saw evidence of that same attitude from Jack and Harvey time and time again. A desire to do the best job they could, not because they had to but because they wanted to as professionals.

So, in summary, thank you for creating and running a company with such skilled, professional, dedicated, caring and outstanding technicians and engineers. I’m glad you exist and I’m glad I found you.


Kind regards

Phil, Northwich June 24

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